Let's Rise Above Meaningless, and Focus on Meaningful


As 2016 comes to an end, it will be to our advantage if we are able to direct our attention towards issues that we can either control or to which we may be able to make meaningful contributions. The complaints and criticisms that have plagued our national consciousness during this past year must not interfere with our personal growth, our attitude towards having our country become a meaningful contributor to international growth, peace, and environmental responsibility, and above all, with providing education for our children that includes encouragement and guidance. Our politicians may have failed us, but we, as individuals, cannot fail in our effort to provide opportunity for our young.

In spite of media claims, we are a country of strong and well intentioned people; people who do care and embrace a strong sense of fairness.

During 2017 and thereafter, let’s try to remain optimistic about our lives, our businesses, our good intentions, and our commitment to our children. It is not difficult if one is willing to rise above media sponsored sensationalism.
