Locally Sourced Produce, Veteran Farmers, and Eco-friendly Presentation

The National Restaurant Association has identified healthy, locally sourced, and organic foods as being the “hottest trend” in its 2017 Culinary Forecast, and wrote, “While farm-to-table concepts and locally sourced food still rank as top trends, they are moving toward perennial favorite territory, indicating that they may be on their way to becoming the new normal.” NRA.

Today, Veteran agricultural endeavors have succeeded in bringing high quality and organically grown produce to local markets, while providing a path for combat Veterans to reengage in the larger community.  These farming and ranching enterprises are well organized, efficiently run, and successful due to the discipline, work ethic, and resilience that combat Veterans possess. See Clark Wolf, Forbes Magazine.

Impact Enterprises, Inc., known for its design and product innovation, is also known for its commitment to social responsibility and sustainability, and encourages our customers to consider Veteran farms when searching for locally sourced quality produce and meats.

Impact’s innovative and environmentally responsible menu covers, wine lists, and binder covers offer meaningful support for a business’s sustainability practices.


Our products are made from Reclaimed woods, Recycled metals, Genuine leathers (as by products), and Aqueous coated materials. What better way to present organic and locally sourced menu selections than in an eco-friendly menu cover; one that is designed specifically for you and embraces your property’s image and sustainability practices.