Meticulous Planning in Business and Nature….


While hiking the Three Fingered Jack trail outside of Sisters, Oregon this past August, I was impressed with the diverse landscapes crossed during this hike.  The trail passes through forests with lakes, through green meadows with crystal clear streams, and then slowly makes its way up almost above tree-line into a relatively steep rock-strewn slope, and finally to the base of the summit of Three Fingered Jack.  As we hiked I thought about how these diverse environments worked together and in stages to attain a goal; not unlike the stages a successful business typically goes through to attain its success.  Both Nature and business require meticulous planning for success.

In business the goal is financial success and hopefully a contribution to social responsibility.  To accomplish this, much work and time is typically required to nurture a concept, develop a business plan, and make adjustments to be primed for success. In Nature the goal is to provide ‘life’.  Life depends on clean water, so Nature had to develop a ‘concept’ for providing clean water.  The 'business plan' had to address a never-ending source, and to ensure a never-ending source much time was required to create glaciers which fed moraine lakes which fed streams that eventually came together to form rivers.

Meticulous planning works.  It is not easy, but certainly minimizes the chances of wasted time and money, and failure.  As a business grows, development of its ‘Brand’ requires careful planning to ensure its primary source of revenue is always reached.  Brand includes quality product or services, customer service, visibility, and reputation.  It is a complete package that carries a company’s name to appropriate audiences.

Brand can extend an audience through meaningful advertising and use of accessory items such as custom presentation covers including eco-friendly designer binders and eco-friendly menu covers.