Organic Agriculture v “Industrial” Agriculture

Last month I asked that you consider Veteran-owned Farms when searching for healthy locally sourced quality produce and meats in order to support Veteran agriculture endeavors. This month I am asking you to support Veteran and organic agricultural endeavors in order to help minimize environmental concerns generated by industrial agriculture; concerns brought about through the use of chemicals that continue to pollute farmland, watersheds, ground water, and the produce consumed. Organic agriculture provides nutrient rich produce by eliminating the use of these chemicals.
I cannot overlook the current advantage to conventional (industrial) agriculture; produce is able to be exported in great quantities to regions that lack food production. It is better to eat less nutritious foods than starve. This being said, expanding organic production through education in many of these areas will not only provide health benefits currently lacking, but will also encourage less dependency on imported conventional produce that will lead to less environmental pollution. An added benefit to expanding organic production is increased employment together with a sense of independence that encourages a productive mindset.See: Organic agriculture key to feeding the world sustainably, February 3, 2016
Another thorough and well written article that I recommend: