What Is Design...?

After researching definitions of and articles about design, I acknowledge that 'design' like 'art' can be an emotionally charged word. People in many professions have, and hold on to, their ‘feelings’ about design regardless of how others may feel. Wells Riley wrote, “It’s a state of mind. It’s an approach to a problem. It’s how you’re going to kick your competitor’s ass.”
Some of the confusion about what design is appears to comes from the belief that designers are artists; professionals who focus on ‘creativity’ on a rather personal level. Art may be a state of mine, however, it rarely is an approach to a problem, particularly a business or technological problem. Design, however, encompasses a world of thought where functionality, environmental concerns, aesthetics, and long-term usefulness become some of its important considerations. See Dieter Rams, Ten Principles for Good Design
Dieter Rams also wrote, “we [designers] don’t work in a vacuum. We need business people.” The implication being that contributions from professionals in other disciplines [or other ‘company’ departments] are invaluable in creating ‘successful’ designs for concepts or products. See my October 2015 Blog…, just scroll down…
This is an interesting lead-in to the history of Impact Enterprises. Bobi Hamilton, Impact’s President and CEO, received a degree in Fine Arts, and had become a respected artist in her community. As a result of the quality of her work, she was asked to assist several established businesses with advertising, marketing, and eventually product development. Soon thereafter, her inherent sense of business led her to establish Impact Enterprises, Inc. Impact’s success can be attributed to Bobi’s understanding and focus on the true meaning of design, not just art. Today, Impact’s staff, design and sales associates, discipline themselves to listen to and ‘hear’ what their customers are requesting so that meaningful and valuable discussions ensue regarding product design and development. We bring to our customer’s attention the often overlooked importance of the combination of functionality, aesthetics, long-terms usefulness, and environmental aspects.
“If you care about your audience, you’ll automatically care more about the subject.” P.J. Onori, Waybury
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Impact Enterprises, Inc